Thursday, May 26, 2011


Larnell Stixx Lewis
Joy  Lapps-Lewis - Steel Pan
Andrew Stewart
 These are a few images of three very talented local Toronto musicians who contributed their time and talent to Drum Artz' Fundraiser a few weeks ago. As well as being fantastic musicians, they are also really awesome individuals. I tried to capture the emotion of performance in a few different ways here. Enjoy!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cherry Blossoms at High Park

I love photographing the Cherry blossoms at high park this time a year. Gili and I headed there on Saturday afternoon, and the park was packed with people, including many Asians (with some Japanese women in traditional dress) and the highest concentration of photographers I have ever seen. you only have a few days left to enjoy the cherry blossoms, so head out there!